Thursday, March 19, 2009

Different Degrees of Muddy Faces

"The outrage!" says one Democrat to a CEO on CNN. "How could you blindly betray the public trust, " a Republican says.


A sub-par analogy to illustrate a point:

Two roommates live in a house. One roommate, Jason, has a dog. The other roommate, Michael, does not. Jason leaves town for a weekend getaway. Michael feeds the dog. While he's gone, he leaves all of the doors closed in the house, including the back one which is usually left open for the dog to go to the bathroom. He does this because he figures he'll be back in a few hours, and the dog should hold it. But it's Cinco de Mayo, so let the festivities begin. Two days later he returns. The dog has now left his mark in various rooms throughout the house. Michael calls Jason and complains about how the dog went to the bathroom without explaining the details of his two day absence.

So, if I'm a politician and a major company..lets say..AI..B..decides to be the top fund-raiser for my campaign. I, along with other politicians like me who also received money from AIB and other corporations of the like then decide to write legislation allowing for loopholes and incentives for those particular types of companies as pay back. At the time I write the legislation, things are cool because the people who elected me were busy raising their kids, some may work for a company like AIB, some don't have the educational level to understand what's actually happening in government, others describe themselves as "not into politics," and then some would rather cheer on Sanjaya on American Idol.

But then shit hits the fan, eventually one piece of corporate-style legislation and another piece and another begin to add up, more backroom deals occurred as top level people for AIB and others are making a killing off of this loose legislation and lack of regulation but the money and good times run out. Why? Because the money had to come from somewhere and a lot of it came from retirement plans and 401ks. Now the well is dried up. Who's left out? Hardworking parents and families, low and mid-level AIB workers, and yes, even Sanjaya fans.

Who's to blame?

The top guys at AIB? How about the 'outraged' Democrat or the 'furious' Republican? Or maybe even the Sanjaya fan club?

Maybe we go in order of self-servance.

1. AIB...definitely!
2. Washington Legislators...definitely!
3. Sanjaya himself...I mean, is he really that good anyway?...well, your call.
4. Some of us...maybe we took our eye off the ball somewhere between macarena and crocs?... ??

No song for today but this rapper, Immortal Technique is pretty thoughtful...says in an interview in reference to selling weapons to Saddam and the lucrative business and power dealings within our government and the private sector, as well as in governments throughout time, "in the end, its our inability to conquer ourselves."


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